Thursday, March 1, 2012

Goodbye February!

Wow... that was a busy and hectic month.   And as usual, when things get too hectic I fall off the planet and stop dealing with e-mails and other forms of online social communication until I get onto solid ground again.  I feel like I've been living in a whirl wind but if I don't write down the things that need to get done, I won't get around to them.

Currently I'm preparing for a work trip that we've turned into a long weekend.  (Luckily work is sending us someplace sunny and warm and together!)  We get back Wednesday early morning and then that Thursday I'm attending a full day event and the SO's mother arrives in town.  Not only that, these were all last minute things that came up.  AND during the last week of my French class for the term (which, for the record, I'm still behind in).  I'm feeling a little bit stressy at the moment.

March Goals (  √  ,  ◊K  , or FAIL ):
  • Foreign Language:
    • Complete ALL assignments and turn them in
    • Take final
    • Pass the class.
  • Financial Independence
    • Meal plan!!! (when I get back from our trip.... clearly.)
    • Stay within weekly budget 
  • The PhD
    • Finish talk for Monday
    • Design 2nd part for project 2
    • Speak with adviser about scheduling Candidacy
    • Don't Panic.
  • General Life
    • Exercise (swim x1 just ONCE A WEEK!, climb x2, hike x1 these should all be EASY FOR ME.
    • Get rid of the TV! Seriously. I want that thing out of my life.
    • get adequate sleep! 
    • Spend more time writing.
At least those are the things that I feel urgently need to happen.

Regardless of what happens the rest of the month, I get to TRAVEL TOMORROW!  So, life is good, and I'm excited.

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